Friday, June 26, 2009

Hate talk

I just read the most remarkable screed against marching bands that I have ever encountered. Dennis Dodd, a paid character assassin for CBS sports, just completely went off on bands everywhere calling them dorks and losers basically. I am totally offended for more reasons than I can count.

First, I don't have a national pulpit to refute these attacks. If I respond with a comment, it carries the weight of "oh Yeah." And I'll get the jock smirk tone that the original essay carried as if that is an answer. This is unprovoked bullying of people who are not public figures, and CBS should be ashamed.

Second, this attitude promotes hatred. It makes high school football players think it's ok to beat up the "band geeks" because Dennis thinks they are losers and less than human. This is exactly the kind of attitude that got Matthew Shepherd killed. He was just a queer. It was ok to beat him up.

I thought we didn't pick on specific groups of people for who they were or what they did. I think this essay is a hate crime and incites hatred. I'd like to see Dennis prosecuted under
federal law because no matter how cute he thinks this is it isn't.

I'm not sure what made him decide this was his target, but someone ought to make sure he doesn't assault anyone again. I'm sure he couldn't think of what to write about, so he decided to go with what is easy--picking on someone. I can easily make this entry all about the various sins and bloopers committed by various sports broadcasters/writers. It's easy to pick a target and throw hearsay around. I could spend days just on the overwrought prose of Super Bowl writing. But I don't bully. I merely present facts.

I hope CBS thinks this is serious. Making fun of people who are not public figures is mean and hurtful. And potentially dangerous. Dennis needs to direct his anger at whatever drove this drivel. I can suggest a good therapist.

Oh, and Dennis, ole buddy, you don't march a French horn.

1 comment:

Kim KY Wildcat Fan said...

Dennis has self esteem issues. He picks on people to validate his self worth. He needs to participate in a band camp to see that these kids are also athletes. Try marching and carrying an instrument for hours! I have a lot of respect for band members. They do not get the credit they deserve. Too bad CBS allows this type of behavior. Perhaps if someone in a position of authority had/has a kid in the band, maybe Dennis would have to apologize.