Monday, February 2, 2009

medicine bah humbug

I'm already so over this go round of doctor visits.  Go see this one, go see that one with huge gaps of time in between is for the birds.  This is going to go all year because I'm gonna have to keep cancelling things.  Next appointment--day the baby is due.  We'll see where the kids are on this with making appointments with their doctors.  Maybe I can go for a consult that day.  I don't know.  It's almost 3 weeks away though.  Obviously my time and peace of mind is of no concern.

So terribly tired of it all.  I knew this would be like this.  It plays into my all least favorite things--waiting, talking on the phone, being treated like cattle.  You lose all control when you submit yourself to these people.  Their timing, their methods, etc. win out over yours.  It's like dealing with the airlines.  I hate it.  It's why I am reluctant to go.  It invariably becomes a circus.

Calgon--take me away.