Monday, April 21, 2008

Marketing again

Could I get anymore disgusted with American business if I tried?  What is it this time?

I'm getting really tired of getting "IMPORTANT INFORMATION CONCERNING MY ACCOUNT" which turns out to be paper telemarketing.  What I'm wondering about is what the rationale is here.

I've been told that when I get something like this the entire reason for doing it this way is so that I will open it.  I can't see how my opening it, becoming angry, and discarding it adds anything except the middle step.  They've taken away moments of my life.  I want them back.  I want them to clearly mark on the envelope that this envelope contains a miserable attempt to get you to buy life insurance and has sod all to do with your account.  We, the company you chose to do business with, have again wantonly sold your information to a third party without your knowledge or consent.

I'm not interested in life insurance.  In face I don't believe in it.  If I want my money invested for my old age, I don't need an insurance company as middle man to do this for me.  I can do this just fine myself.  And if I can't, I don't have the money to give someone else to do for me.

My point is here, admittedly obscured by the ranting, that I am much happier with straightforward advertisements.  Just tell me what you have to sell, and I'll act accordingly. Don't treat me like a patsy.  My reaction to being treated as if I'm too stupid to realize what you're doing is to quit doing business with you.  And to write you scathing letters and emails.  That you then have to deal with because I mark them important.  Two can play at this game.

Just tell me what you are after.  No "courtesy calls" or "important" or anything.  State your business and move on.  We'll both be happier.

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