Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Being aliberal and why it helps me sleep at night

Can you tell when someone is lying? Do you know without a shadow of a doubt when your child really doesn't have homework? Can you tell every time without fail when the truth is being revealed to you? Do the police know when someone is telling the truth? Or lying? Do juries?

The answer here is no. Absolutely unequivocally No. Sometimes you guess right. Sometimes people pull the wool over your eyes. It's the human condition. It's what drives the economy and literature and nearly everything else. Am I really getting the best rate? Could the car dealer come down more? Does he really love me or does he just want in my pants (ok that one is a no-brainer)?

People are unable to "know" the truth. They may think they do, but they do not. Not every time. Not without doubt. No omniscience among humans.

So it stands to reason that I nor a social worker nor a government employee know when someone is "really" needy. Or what that means. Or if it matters. I don't know what the criterion is in another's life or belief system that means I need someone's help in feeding myself and my children.

Could someone lie to me and say they need things when they don't? Certainly happens all the time. Executives need bonuses. I'm relatively sure in my belief system they could forego that trip to Cannes to keep more people in their company employed.

I'm sure I'd rather see people work for what they have. I'm also sure if you have children and no skills, there are no jobs. If having children and sleeping with the sugar daddy is earning your place in society, then I'm there. I don't make the money for the things I have. My husband does. So I deserve this more because I married better?

Until I'm omniscient, I wish to take someone's word that they cannot feed themselves without help from me. I'm willing to support 80 people's drug habits so that 5 children do not go hungry. I don't know other people's problems. I'm not God.

And for those of you who think you know what and who deserves this, I've go a news flash. You are not God either.